
2022-2023. Data extraction using deep learning for auto file naming an…

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작성자 교수 댓글 0건 조회 773회 작성일 22-04-19 16:18


Data extraction using deep learning for auto file naming and auto redaction, HP Printing Korea, PI, 2022.02.21~2023.02.20

[Project Goal]

(1) Development of a file name generation system
- Generating proper file names based on contents in files
- Key approaches: Topic Classification based on LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation), Keyword Extraction based on MRC (machine reading comprehension)

(2) Development of a named entity recognition system
- Identifying predefined named entities in files
- Key approaches: Fine-tuning a large-scaled language model for named entity recognition, Sequence labeling based on LAN (label attention networks)


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